
Meet IIT grad who failed 17 times, then built Rs 40000 crore company, backed by Google

Meet IIT grad who failed 17 times, then built Rs 40000 crore company, backed by Google
Meet IIT grad who failed 17 times, then built Rs 40000 crore company, backed by Google

In the dynamic landscape of India’s corporate realm, the influence of Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) graduates is profoundly evident. Many IIT alumni have not only ascended to prominent leadership roles in major corporate entities but have also ventured into entrepreneurship, reshaping the business landscape. Among these remarkable stories of resilience and success is Ankush Sachdeva, the co-founder of ShareChat, a vernacular social media platform that has garnered widespread acclaim.

Ankush Sachdeva’s journey is emblematic of the entrepreneurial spirit nurtured within the hallowed halls of IITs. Upon graduating from the prestigious institute, instead of following the traditional path of securing a job, Sachdeva embarked on the challenging yet rewarding journey of entrepreneurship. However, the road to success was far from smooth, marked by multiple setbacks and failures.

Before the inception of ShareChat, Sachdeva initiated 17 startups, each a testament to his unwavering commitment to innovation and risk-taking. Yet, despite his persistent efforts, all 17 ventures faced various challenges, leading to their eventual failure. This series of setbacks could have deterred a less determined individual, but Sachdeva viewed each failure as a learning opportunity, a stepping stone toward ultimate success.

In the face of adversity, Ankush Sachdeva demonstrated an exceptional resilience that distinguishes successful entrepreneurs. Rather than succumbing to disappointment, he used each failure as a platform for growth, refining his entrepreneurial skills and learning invaluable lessons about market dynamics, user behavior, and effective business strategies.

The turning point in Sachdeva’s entrepreneurial journey came with the inception of ShareChat in 2015. Recognizing the potential in the vernacular social media space, he co-founded the platform with the vision of connecting users in their regional languages. ShareChat quickly gained traction, providing a platform for users to create and share content in languages reflective of India’s diverse linguistic landscape.

The success of ShareChat did not happen overnight. Sachdeva, drawing on his previous experiences, navigated challenges with resilience and adaptability. The platform’s unique approach to catering to diverse linguistic communities struck a chord with users, and ShareChat gradually emerged as a prominent player in India’s social media landscape.

Ankush Sachdeva’s journey exemplifies the entrepreneurial spirit’s core tenet – the ability to learn from failures and persist in the pursuit of one’s vision. His story resonates with aspiring entrepreneurs, underscoring the importance of resilience, adaptability, and an unwavering belief in one’s ideas.

The success of ShareChat not only catapulted Sachdeva into the spotlight but also added a significant chapter to the narrative of Indian startup success stories. The platform’s popularity and widespread adoption are a testament to Sachdeva’s insight into the untapped potential of regional language content in India.

As a leader in the vernacular social media space, ShareChat has become a digital melting pot, fostering connections and conversations across diverse linguistic communities. The platform’s success reflects Ankush Sachdeva’s ability to not only identify market gaps but also to address them effectively with innovative solutions.

In conclusion, Ankush Sachdeva’s journey from multiple startup failures to the success of ShareChat serves as an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs. It showcases the transformative power of resilience, tenacity, and a growth mindset. Sachdeva’s story echoes the sentiment that failures are not endpoints but stepping stones toward eventual success, and that every setback is an opportunity to learn, evolve, and ultimately triumph.