
From Infosys to Entrepreneur: Rohan Murty Charts His Own Path in Tech

From Infosys to Entrepreneur: Rohan Murty Charts His Own Path in Tech
From Infosys to Entrepreneur: Rohan Murty Charts His Own Path in Tech

Rohan Murty, son of the iconic Infosys founder Narayana Murthy and the inspiring author and philanthropist Sudha Murty, has carved his own path in the world of technology. While Infosys, with its market cap of a staggering Rs 5.82 lakh crore, is a household name in India, Rohan has ventured beyond his family’s legacy to become a leader in digital transformation.

Born with a silver spoon, Rohan’s educational background reflects a strong foundation. He received his schooling at the prestigious Bishop Cotton Boys’ School in Bangalore before venturing to the US for his higher education.

Following in his parents’ footsteps of academic excellence, Rohan obtained a bachelor’s degree from Cornell University and went on to earn a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Harvard University. His interest in technology extends beyond just computer science, with a keenness for subjects like philosophy, history, and the classics. This well-rounded perspective is evident in his pursuits.

While his father revolutionized the Indian IT industry, Rohan chose a different route. He initially served as a Vice President at Infosys, but his entrepreneurial spirit led him to forge his own path. In 2013, he founded Soroco, a digital transformation company that harnesses the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for automation. As the Chief Technical Officer (CTO) of Soroco, Rohan is at the forefront of developing solutions that streamline work processes and optimize operations for organizations.

While Soroco keeps its revenue figures confidential, industry estimates suggest the company is experiencing significant growth. This success highlights Rohan’s ability to translate his deep understanding of computer science into practical applications that benefit businesses.

Beyond his professional achievements, Rohan’s commitment to the humanities is noteworthy. In 2010, he established the Murty Classical Library of India at Harvard University. This initiative aims to bridge the gap between Indian and Western cultures by facilitating the translation and dissemination of classical Indian texts.

Rohan Murty’s story is one of following one’s passion and creating a unique identity. He is a testament to the power of education, innovation, and a well-rounded perspective. His journey as a tech leader and his dedication to preserving cultural heritage make him an inspiration for the next