
How Simran Kapoor and Nazia Built The 3P’s

Mr. Simran Kapoor and Ms. Nazia, directors and owners of The 3P’s – Interior Design Studio, have a compelling story of resilience, creativity, and determination. Located in Sector 63, their firm has quickly made a name for itself in the world of interior architectural design since its inception in 2022. This narrative delves into their journey, the challenges they faced, and the passion that drives their work.

Simran Kapoor’s journey into interior design was not a straightforward path. Hailing from Delhi, Simran’s initial foray into the professional world was met with multiple failures. The repeated setbacks made it clear that merely holding a job would not suffice, especially considering the financial demands and the aspiration to make a meaningful impact. Simran realized that to truly thrive and bring their vision to life, a more profound commitment was necessary—one that involved dedicating their days and nights to their passion. This realization led to the birth of The 3P’s – Interior Design Studio.

Founded in 2022, The 3P’s has quickly established itself as a reputable name in the industry. The firm specializes in interior architectural design, focusing on creating spaces that are both aesthetically pleasing and functionally efficient. The present status of the business is strong, with a growing client base and a portfolio of successful projects. The impact of their work extends beyond just beautifying spaces; it involves a multifaceted discipline that plays a vital role in shaping society. By managing space more systematically and effectively, The 3P’s provides a one-stop solution for clients looking to enhance the aesthetics and functionality of their interiors.

One of the core strengths of The 3P’s is its unique selling proposition (USP). The firm’s designs are characterized by their innovative use of space, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of client needs. This approach not only sets them apart from competitors but also ensures that each project is tailored to reflect the client’s personality and lifestyle. The result is a harmonious blend of beauty and practicality, where every element serves a purpose and contributes to the overall vision.

The decision to start The 3P’s was driven by a personal belief in the value of autonomy and deep engagement with one’s work. Simran and Nazia both felt that to truly understand and impact their field, they needed to work independently and immerse themselves fully in their projects. This philosophy has been a guiding principle for the firm, influencing their approach to design and client relations.

In terms of professional inspiration, Simran and Nazia draw from a variety of sources. Their work is influenced by leading figures in the field of architecture and design, whose innovative approaches and groundbreaking work have set new standards. However, their primary source of motivation comes from their personal experiences and the desire to overcome challenges through creativity and perseverance.

The early days of The 3P’s were marked by significant challenges. Finding new clients, managing sites, and establishing a reputation in a competitive industry were all hurdles that required considerable effort to overcome. These struggles were mitigated through the application of knowledge and past experience. Simran and Nazia leveraged their expertise to navigate these obstacles, gradually building a network of satisfied clients and a portfolio of successful projects.

Starting a business in interior design required several essentials. A good configuration PC, extensive experience, and a keen eye for detail were critical components. However, equally important was the ability to identify opportunities in the market. Simran and Nazia’s unique approach to design, coupled with their dedication to client satisfaction, allowed them to carve out a niche for themselves in the industry.

As entrepreneurs, Simran and Nazia possess qualities that set them apart. Their resilience, creativity, and deep understanding of design have been instrumental in their success. Their ability to empathize with clients and translate their visions into reality has been a key factor in their professional growth. Each project they undertake is close to their heart, reflecting their commitment to excellence and their passion for design.

The trend towards sustainable and green architecture is something that The 3P’s fully embraces. Simran and Nazia believe that sustainability is not just a trend but a necessity in today’s world. Their designs incorporate eco-friendly materials and practices, ensuring that their projects are not only beautiful and functional but also environmentally responsible.

Understanding client psychology and requirements is crucial in the field of interior design. Simran and Nazia emphasize the importance of listening to clients and understanding their needs, preferences, and lifestyle. This approach ensures that the final design is a true reflection of the client’s personality and meets their expectations.

The journey of entrepreneurship has been a profound learning experience for Simran and Nazia. They have learned the importance of perseverance, the value of client relationships, and the need for continuous innovation. Their advice to budding architects and designers is to remain passionate, stay committed to their vision, and never stop learning.

Although The 3P’s has not yet won any awards, the firm’s growing portfolio and client satisfaction are testaments to their success. Each project is a labor of love, and the impact of their work is evident in the beautifully designed spaces they create.

The story of The 3P’s – Interior Design Studio is one of passion, perseverance, and innovation. Simran Kapoor and Nazia have built a firm that not only excels in interior architectural design but also contributes to shaping society through thoughtful and sustainable design practices. Their journey serves as an inspiration to aspiring designers and entrepreneurs, demonstrating that with dedication and creativity, it is possible to overcome challenges and achieve success.