
Folks Interiors: A Customer-Centric Approach and Budget-Friendly Interior Solutions

Chennai-based Folks Interiors prioritizes customer requirements and tailors their operations accordingly. Let’s delve into the story behind this remarkable entity.

Established in 2014, Folks Interiors comprises a dedicated team of young professionals delivering smart and innovative designs to a diverse clientele. With their headquarters in Chennai, the firm offers services throughout India, boasting a readily available team capable of immediate response. Their objective is to provide the best possible value while keeping client expectations in mind, striving for excellence at every level. Balancing practicality and aesthetics is a challenging task, but one that they consistently excel in.

All their products come with a 5-year warranty, along with unwavering support and maintenance services. Since its inception, Folks Interiors has been a one-stop solution for all interior needs, be it creating dream homes or ambitious commercial establishments.

Raghu attributes his success to his father, who taught him valuable lessons on handling difficult situations, enabling him to navigate the challenges of his entrepreneurial journey. Acquiring the initial capital during the early stages of his venture proved to be a challenge, as he did not have substantial financial resources. However, the trust customers placed in him served as a motivating force to overcome these hardships.

According to Raghu,

“Creativity, marketing, and above all, patience are the three vital aspects essential for entrepreneurship.” He also emphasizes the importance of studying competitors, identifying areas for improvement in customer service, and seizing market gaps as opportunities.

Among the various projects completed by Folks Interiors, renovating a 40-year-old residence for a Merchant Officer with high expectations posed a particularly demanding task, which ultimately exceeded all expectations. The firm’s unique and hands-on approach throughout the entire project, from the initial stages to completion, sets them apart.